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Forests and trees – essential for food security on a landscape level

In February 2013 The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition opened an online forum and posed the question “Forest and trees provide benefits for food security and nutrition – what is your say?” SIANI and Focali made a joint contribution on the forum, about which this brief is based.

The aim of the FAO conference is to: “in­crease understanding of the important role that forests, trees on farms and agrofor­estry systems can play in improving food se­curity and nutrition, especially in developing countries. The conference will also propose policy options that need to be undertaken at national and international level to better position the role of forests and trees in food security and nutrition decision-making pro­cesses.” This is what the conference organiz­ers state as being crucial today since forest and trees are mostly absent from policy deci­sions on food security despite the important direct and indirect role they play for food se­curity and nutrition.

Focali and SIANI agree with this problem identification and hence want to contribute to the deliberations on key challenges and bottlenecks that hinder a greater contribution of forests for food secu­rity. This is done by selecting key examples of how forests and trees can provide multiple benefits for food security, livelihoods and so­cio-ecological systems. In addition Focali and SIANI identify policy needs and recommen­dations for a cross-sectorial landscape ap­proach, which includes the multiple benefits of forests and trees for food security.


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