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Steering Committee

SIANI has a Steering Committee that meets several times each year to give input and support to the over-all direction of the network and its activities. Committee members are engaged in a personal capacity.

Full members:

Chairperson: Cecilia Nordin van Gansberghe
Anna Carlström, Lantmännen
Cristián Alarcón Ferrari, SLU
Ellinor Isgren, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies
Erika Chenais, Swedish National Veterinary Institute
Olle Forshed, WWF Sweden
Julia Thelin

Ex officio members:

Mats Åberg, Sida
Sara Gräslund, SLU Global, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Erik Wallin, Focali/Wexsus

You can contact the Steering Committee here.

Nomination committee:

Ingrid Öborn, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Kajsa Johansson, Svenska Afghanistankommittén

Governance document