Blog Post
This first day of the Living Soil Forum has had the simple purpose for participants to arrive, meet, and get a sense of what issues are on the table for this week. As such, it has been only half a day of activities, where participants have met to present themselves and broadly identify and discuss problems and priorities for soil stewardship.
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Naturskyddsföreningen released a new Report “100% organic? The agro-ecological and organic farming: role for food security and environment”.
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In 2008 the world’s urban population exceeded the rural population for the first time in the history. This urbanization process is happening together with growing urban poverty and food insecurity and this trend is set to continue.
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A new scientific authority on issues of soils was launched at the first Plenary Assembly of the Global Soil Partnership at FAO headquarters on 11 and 12 of June, 2013.
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Animal production represents more than a half of global agricultural output. Livestock products are generally more costly than arable crops and their consumption is still low in low-income countries.
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In a recent debate article published in the Swedish local newspaper, Uppsala Nya Tidning, Professor Kjell Havnevik of the Nordic Africa Institute, questions the reporting of economic growth in Africa.
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In the last three years SIANI has been participating and contributing to Tällberg Forums’ dialogues on Global Change.
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17th of June is a World Day for Combating Desertification and Drought. It was first introduced in 1994 to raise awareness about desertification and ways of combating this issue. According to UNCCD, Desertification is a type of land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas. It is caused by climatic variations and human activities.
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In the last three years SIANI has contributed to the organization of seminars and learning sessions on the topic of Food Security and the Food System at Tällberg Forum. This year SIANI is working in coordination with ‘The Knowledge Systems for Sustainability Collaborative’, an international network of partners across academia, Government and busi