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Swedish sewerage sludge treatment policy has a one-sided focus on phosphorous recycling. But nitrogen, potassium and sulfur are more important in both economic and environmental regards, says SIANI-associated researchers in a recent debate article in Dagens Nyheter.
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On the 28th of August, the research project Future Agriculture will be lunching the new report "A contribution to the discussion on: Critical research issues for future sub-Saharan African agriculture". The launch event, held at SLU in Ultuna (Uppsala), will present and discuss for different scenarios for Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Following last year's theme on food prices and fluctuations, this year's World Food Day will present a theme focusing more on institutional structures in agriculture, specifically on farmer's cooperatives. The offical theme title is "Agricultural cooperatives – key to feeding the world".
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The 2012 World Water Week will be held under the theme ‘Water and Food Security’ during 26th – 31st August 2012 in Stockholm. The 21st century farming challenge to feed 9 billion by 2050 will need to address following questions; How much food will be needed?, How and where it will be grown?
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The Tällberg Forum 14-17 June in Tällberg brought together political leaders and thought-leaders from around the world to join the conversation, posing the question “How on Earth can we live together?
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"How on earth can we live together? Beyond our imagination." Hjärtat i stiftelsens verksamhet ligger i mötespunkten Tällberg Forum då beslutsfattare och kulturpersonligheter från hela världen träffas för att diskutera hur vår allt mer globaliserade värld påverkar oss, och hur vi påverkar den.
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SIANI attended the Rio+20 Conference in 2012.Ban-Ki Moon called the summit “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make real progress towards the sustainable economy of the future” and has called for world leaders to “achieve renewed political commitment for sustainable development” including sustainable development goals.
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Dr Peter Holmgren selected to lead the Center for International Forestry Research
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During the last couple of months, SIANI has been developing a new website. We are now happy to present the results, and hope that the site will trigger your interests and help you find the information you need.