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Achieving the ambitious Agenda 2030 requires solutions with multiple benefits across scales. One such solution may be to establish stronger land tenure systems in countries or regions that lack them.
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Are women able to benefit from their cattle ownership? A recent study by SLU researcher Andrea Petitt shows how they can do it. Cattle are often portrayed as a male affair in Botswana. However, venturing out into the Kalahari countryside to scratch the surface of this state of affairs, another picture emerges.
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Report from SIANI and SLU Global WorkshopWith more than 26 participants, the workshop on Bending the Curve-Africa's Unfolding Agrifood System and Diet Transformation took place on Wednesday April 13th 2016.
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SIANI vill uppmärksamma att år 2016 blivit utnämnt ”International Year of Pulses” av FNs livsmedels- och jordbruksorganisation (FAO). Syftet är att informera en bred allmänhet om baljväxternas nyttiga egenskaper och hur de kan bidra till en bättre värld.
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NIRAS is again looking for talented and highly motivated graduates with relevant first working experiences and the passion for pursuing an international career within development consulting for NIRAS’ Young Professional Academy (NYPA). The NYPA is a fast-track on the job training and learning programme.
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New paper by Stockholm Environment Institute reviews existing methods for assessing livestock water resource use, recognizing that water plays a vital role in global food supply and that livestock production systems consumes a large amount of the available water resources.
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SIANI (Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative) is currently looking to gather expertise for further development of knowledge and cooperation strategies in order to increase food security and resource efficiency through food waste reduction in global food chains, with a particular focus on collaboration between developing and developed countries.
Blog Post
Bio-technologies have already improved crop and livestock productivity for millions of small-scale farmers around the world.There is, however, a common agreement that agrobiotechnology is not a means in itself, but has to be combined with other disciplines and drivers such as agroecology, functional markets and value chains, to be fully effective.
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The 21st of March 2016 marks the International Day of Forests. Every year one day is especially allocated to highlight and celebrate the importance of trees in our landscape in a changing climate and the theme for this year is Forests and Water.