News Story
The Sustainable Development Goals framework includes the ambition to provide all people with access to safe water, sanitation and food. However, despite multiple linkages between water, sanitation and food production, these sectors are often handled separately. Holistic approach to water, sanitation and food production is also rare in the development cooperation work.
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Surveys for Estonia’s national food waste assessment reveal that the country throws away a total of 92,000 tons of food annually, worth close to €100 million.
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In the next decade agricultural development in Africa will occur against a backdrop of dynamic changes in global, regional and national economies, driven by rapid globalization, increasing demand for strategic resources, instabilities affecting agro-food and energy systems and, not the least, by the growing population.
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Can we ensure that the food sold in our supermarkets is delivered through a sustainable supply chain? This is not an easy question to answer, but consumers who want to be responsible face it on a daily basis. Certification schemes are one way of dealing with this issue.
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According to FAO’s data about one third of all edible food that we produce is lost or wasted. Food waste is a fundamental moral dilemma because in the world with a growing population and 800 million of chronically food insecure people, it is an inexcusable to waste food and resources.
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Avskaffa hunger, uppnå tryggad livsmedelsförsröjning och förbättrad nutrition samt främja ett hållbart jordbruk. Det är, som Annika Söder, statssekreterare på UD, konstaterar ett ambitiöst mål som världens länder ställt upp som ett av de 17 globala målen i Agenda 2030.
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The new programme AgriFoSe, Agriculture for Food Security 2030, a 60 million swedish krona investment by Sida, was launched last week at the SLU Campus near Uppsala. AgriFoSe is developed by a consortium of scientists from SLU, Lund University, Gothenburg University and Stockholm Environment Institute, SEI and is hosted by SLU Global.
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In 2015 SIANI funded a new Expert Group in Southeast Asia, which has been looking at best practices and the capacities for Higher Education for Sustainable Agriculture (HESA) in the region.
Blog Post
Can landscape restoration projects generate the promised value and money or is it yet another aspirational concept unable to deliver?