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The programme Agriculture for Food Security Post 2015 (AgriFoSe) – translating science into policy and development has been developed by researchers from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Lund University, Gothenburg University and Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
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FAO released the report The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2015–16 (SOCO) in December which aims to decrease polarization of views around how trade policies in the agricultural sector affect national polices on food security and development.
Blog Post
In 2050 we’ll have over 9 billion people to feed and the effects of climate change to take into account. The question isn’t so much “Will we fly hoverboards to work?” but more “Can we feed ourselves without destroying our planet?”
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A new initiative for restoring degraded land – the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) - was launched during COP21 in Paris. The goal of AFR100 is that 100 million hectares of land will be restored or in the process of being restored by 2030.
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The UN-REDD programme recently launched a new online REDD+ training course for practitioners, policy makers and communities.
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Four years ago in Bonn, world leaders set a goal of restoring 150 million hectares of deforested and degraded lands by 2020.
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Derived from, originally published at CIFOR’s Forests News
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SIANI har valt att satsa mer på unga och för att få hjälp med hur organisationen kan attrahera yngre medlemmar och få dessa att lära sig av varandra tog SIANI hjälp av oss, fem agronomstudenter från SLU (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet).