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Despite scientific advances around climate impacts, how livestock will be affected is still a relatively uncharted scientific territory.
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Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa see foreign direct investment as crucial for jump-starting their economies, and they are tapping into fast-rising demand for biofuels. Without stronger public-sector engagement, however, the potential for rural transformation will not be realized.
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This article is based on the report “Towards a comprehensive Strategic Framework to Upscale and Out-scale Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) driven agriculture in Africa” released ahead of the 2nd Africa EbA for Food Security Conference which will be hosted by the UNEP in Nairobi during 30-31 of July, 2015.
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“In his guest post on the FarmingFirst website, Madhu Sudan Ghimire, an agriculture student from Nepal urges for action to be taken to support rural communities and farmers, to avoid a food crisis in the country following the recent earthquake.
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Nearly a quarter of damages wrought by natural disasters on the developing world are borne by the agricultural sector. Building resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises must therefore be the top priority, FAO demands. Twenty-two per cent of all damages inflicted by natural hazards such as drought, floods storms or tsunamis are registered within the agriculture sector.
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Information technology is helping African farmers to become more efficient and they can't get enough of it. That is the conclusion of a special agriculture section in this year's eLearning Africa Report, an annual review of the impact of technology on education and development.
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A new World Soil Charter has been endorsed by FAO member countries during the 29th FAO Conference, which took place on June 6-13 in Rome, Italy. The new charter replaces the first World Soil Charter, which was formulated and adopted by the FAO in 1981. The adoption of the new charter also coincides with 2015 being the International Year of Soils (IYS).
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En tredjedel av all mat som produceras slängs, samtidigt går var åttonde människa till sängs hungrig. Detta är inte rimligt och innebär ett enormt resursslöseri inte minst av våra vattenresurser. För att illustrera matsvinnsproblematiken så arrangerade SWH tillsammans med SIANI ett frukostseminarium där bananens väg från jord till bord beskrevs.
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SLU has signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement with the CGIAR research programme Livestock and Fish.