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International experts in soil science, agriculture and microbiology gathered together in the Palladium in Malmö, Sweden, on the 20th of May to discuss the key challenges and developments in soil management today to an audience of policy makers, Skåne region representatives, fellow soil experts and university students.
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Global development is moving with great speed. The scale of the global land use change is so rapid that it affects Earth’s orbit, pointing at the increasing interconnectedness of socio-economic activities and the environment, unraveling the links that we, perhaps, have not imagined before.
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Since December 2014 Focali is represented as one of five members in the cluster group "Water and Forests" hosted by the Swedish Water House (SWH). Cluster groups are interdisciplinary networks focusing on the cu
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One of the main recommendations from the SIANI Annual meeting in January 2015 was to identify the ways to involve more youth in the discussion around agricultural development in general and in the SIANI network in particular.
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SIANI is pleased to announce an open call for Expert Group proposals for 2015-2016.SIANI Expert Groups are inter-disciplinary groups that work to facilitate and contribute to a holistic understanding of emerging issues in the field of food security and nutrition in low-income countries.
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On March 19 and 20th 2015 the Chulalongkorn University School of Agricultural Resources (CUSAR) in Bangkok hosted a small expert group discussion followed the next day by a Public Forum and Academic Dialogue on “Higher Education for Sustainable Agriculture (HESA) and Food Security in Thailand.” Government officials, scholars, international agency repre
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Three Right Livelihood Award winning Laureates met with Swedish parliamentarians today in Stockholm at a seminar addressing the risk of climate change to worsening global health. The Laureates emphasized how bottom-up approaches can reduce the spread of infectious diseases by improving community-level social and environmental resilience.
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During a recent G20 meeting in Istanbul, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva praised the agricultural ministers of the member countries for making commitments to reduce food waste and promote sustainable food systems.
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Focali researcher Matilda Palm is currently working at Ruth DeFries lab at Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology Department (E3B) at Columbia University. Read this interview with her to find out how it was to move from Sweden to work and live in New York.