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Increasing productivity without compromising environmental sustainability is, perhaps, one of the greatest puzzles of agricultural development. Yet recent research reports provide evidence of stagnating crop yields and regionally variable crop yield patterns globally.
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There is no doubt that energy is embedded in food production, food distribution and food preparation. Yet practitioners in the two sectors tend to work separately without taking into consideration the interdependences of the two development challenges.
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I den sista rapporten av fyra presenterar Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen behovet av en grundläggande omställning av dagens jordbrukssystem till agroekologiska produktionsmetoder, och lyfter samtidigt fram positiva exempel på hur lantbruket kan utformas till att bidra till en hållbar utveckling och minskad fattigdom, hunger och miljömässig påfrestning.
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I policy dokumentet Jordbruksutveckling för fattigdomsbekämpning och en hållbar utveckling presenteras Svenska Kyrkans internationella arbetes inställning till jordbruksutveckling och stöd, samt redogör för Svenska Kyrkans ställningstaganden till jordbrukets roll och hur jordbruket bidrar till fattigdomsbekämpning, livsmedelstrygghet och en socialt, ekologiskt och ekonomiskt hå
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Within the agricultural development sector there are a growing amount of interventions specifically focused on strategies for scaling-up production processes. The concept of scaling-up has almost become a buzzword in many development projects.
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SIANI publishes monthly blogs on the website. These blogs are contributed by members, regardless of what academic level or subject they want to discuss, the crucial characteristic is that they are passionate and knowledgeable about their subject. When we receive a blog we will help with editing and tweak here and there, but
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Population growth poses many risks, but it also creates a lot of opportunities, and urban agriculture is one of them. Growing urban population with increasing incomes creates demand for a more diversified diet with a substantial fraction of animal products.
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In the tropics, there are vast areas of degraded land, which can be restored back into higher and sustainable production with tree planting. In this way previously degraded lands could play a key role for improved food security and at the same time offer various other benefits.
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The Expert Group kick-started with the inception meeting on the 12th of June 2014 and set the timeline for the future activities. The ways to increase public awareness about land restoration were the main focus of this meeting.