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16th of October is the World Food Day. First celebrated in 1979, it is also the anniversary of FAO's founding. The theme of the day is announced at the beginning of each year by the FAO, this initiative is meant to facilitate better understanding of the problems and solutions to ending hunger.
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Substantial pre- and post-harvest losses occur as a result of inefficiencies of the agricultural value chain. Reducing losses caused by pest destruction, inefficient storage, and crop contamination would directly contribute to greater food security. One of the sessions at the Agri4D Conference was devoted to this particular issue.
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The growing global demand for food, feed, bio-energy and agricultural land together with rapid globalization, new technologies and trade regimes are changing the conditions for the agriculture and utilization of genetic resources worldwide. The revolutionary achievements in the field of biosciences are contributing to e.g.
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Resilience is at the center of the current development agenda and many states have resilience policies. However, such initiatives are often criticized for being too vague and lacking the understanding of what resilience is and how to perform resilience actions in crisis situations.
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Reporting back from Melinda Sundell in The Netherlands!Nutrition, waste and truth in labeling.
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Reporting back from Melinda Sundell in The Netherlands!The energy at this conference is amazing and as a result I am continuing in the rebellious mode of studiously avoiding all of the presentations by my fellow agricultural economists and going for sessions where I am a complete novice, which are basically those sessions which have more to do with food than
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Reporting back from Melinda Sundell in The Netherlands!Being at this conference is like facing a particularly tempting smorgasbord—so many wonderful tastes and smells and a limited physical ability to partake of everything! Present here is every topic a food security person could be interested in, but I will try to highlight some of the strengths (and w
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This book distills lessons learned about integrating gender equality into agricultural development initiatives in Africa, with case studies of efforts at all levels, from households to national government.
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Tetra Pak® has recently launched the Sustainability Update 2013 website, where they report on their commitment to grow their business in a socially, environmentally and economically responsible way. In the report you can read about how they are improving nutrition and strengthening the whole food value chain through innovative partnerships.