Presentation held by Ulrika Modéer, Swedish Ministry for Foreign affairs (UD), at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable development?"
Presentation held by Paul Winters, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable...
Presentation held by Lennart Båge, Sida, at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable development?"
Presentation held by Carolyn Glynn, SLU Global, at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable development?"
Presentation held by Gunnar Köhlin, Environment for Development EfD, at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable development?"
Presentation held by Paul Winters, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), at the seminar "Fostering rural transformation – a pathway to a sustainable, peaceful and equitable...
News Story
Young people are central to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; many are already working on creating a more sustainable future, shaking and moving the existing state of order with innovative thinking, creativity and passion.
Presented by Madeleine Fogde, SIANI Programme Director on 19th January at SIANI Annual Meeting 2017.
Moderator: Melinda Fones Sundell, Senior Advisor, SIANI. What role can the SIANI network and partners play in rural transformation? - SIANI Annual Meeting 2017.