Presented by Madeleine Fogde, Programme Director - SIANI on 19th January 2017, SIANI Annual Meeting 2017.
Moderator: Melinda Fones Sundell, Senior Advisor - SIANI. What role can the SIANI network and partners play in rural transformation? - at the SIANI Annual Meeting 19th January 2017.
Presented by Matthew Fielding, Communications Manager - SIANI on the 19th January 2017 at the SIANI Annual Meeting 2017.
Presented by Melinda Fones Sundell, Senior Advisor, SIANI. Conversation with Karin Oskarsson, Programme Manager, Unit for Global Economy and Environment at Sida and Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive...
Presented by Ekaterina Bessonova, Communication Officer - SIANI at the SIANI Annual Meeting 2017
Blog Post
The 2030 Agenda and the landscape approach paint a picture of complexity and raise a lot of challenges, but there are also a lot of benefits in pursuing an integrated way of thinking.
Presentation by students David Gevert, Maria Eklund, Maja Möller, Elin Hålldin and Rebecca Hymnelius, from the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. 19th January 2017 at the SIANI Annual...
Present by Katja Bessonova, Communication Officer, SIANI at the SIANI Annual Meeting 2017.
News Story
Heads up all food and agriculture scientists in sub-Saharan Africa and in South/Southeast Asia! Take part in a region-wide survey on how scientists in SSA, South and Southeast Asia engage with policy-makers and practitioners.