It aims to better understand related government policies, programs and institutions while examining implications for universities and research institutions nation-wide. The meeting will explore challenges, capacities, best practices and policy options for HESA in the Philippines while exchanging knowledge, and exploring interdisciplinary curriculum reform, teaching and research-extension needs as a contribution to strengthening regional poverty reduction, food/nutritional security and environmental protection. The public event July 22nd morning will be a dialogue with Philippine government officials and academics on HESA issues. The “Write-Shop” will be a HESA Expert Group meeting for a Southeast Asian regional project currently focused on three countries – Philippines, Thailand and Lao, PDR. One planned output of the write-shop will be a Draft National HESA Policy Brief presented to a regional learning and dialogue workshop in Bangkok August 18th then later revised and published.
Academic-Government Dialogue (Public Event): 22 July 8:30 am to 12:30 PM
National “Write-Shop” (By Invitation): 22 July 13:30 to 18:00 to 23 July 8:30 am to 12:30PM