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22 August 2022

GlobeLife – DevRes 2022: Transforming Development Research for Sustainability

The theme for the upcoming conference is ‘Transforming development research for sustainability’, as It is becoming increasingly clear that sustainability is the key to our planet and the future of humanity.

Photo credit: Francesco Gallarotti

The upcoming DevRes conference will be held on August 22-24, 2022 and will be hosted by GlobeLife, a joint initiative of Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet. The conference will offer both onsite participation as well as digital live-streaming and chat functions. The 1st day of the conference will be at Uppsala University, the 2nd day fully online and the 3rd day at Karolinska Institutet.

Transforming Development Research for Sustainability

The theme for the upcoming conference is ‘Transforming development research for sustainability’, as It is becoming increasingly clear that sustainability is the key to our planet and the future of humanity. We must make haste at achieving this before 2030, estimated as the climate’s ‘tipping point’, which could lead to unpredictable consequences.

A major part of the conference will focus on how we can achieve sustainability in health for both humans and our planet. This requires that we look at transforming large parts of our society and restructuring systems within our society such as food and energy production, urban planning, digitization, education, preventive health work as well as health and social care.

In order to achieve this globally for all people and not just individual countries, we need to explore both new forms of cooperation and the generation of new knowledge. Here, research is absolutely essential if we are to discover novel systems that will ensure the longevity of our society.

We will be monitoring Covid-19 guidelines and recommendations provided by the Public Health Agency of Sweden carefully and will decide what is the best format of the conference at a later opportunity. If necessary the conference may be converted to a completely digital experience. Regardless, the dates of the conference will not change.


More information HERE



From 22 August 2022 to 24 August 2022


Uppsala University, online and Karolinska Institutet