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5 April 2024

Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development Challenge (KM4AgD)

Scaling Up Successful Knowledge Management Models for Agricultural Development in Africa

Photo by Deepak kumar on Unsplash

A cohort of about 30 Knowledge Management enthusiasts will join the KM4AgD Challenge, which includes an 8-days Certification Course in Knowledge Management and Knowledge Society, coaching and support in the development of an organisational KM Strategy, the nomination for the KM4D-Award, and the collaboration on KM Challenges in the agricultural sector. The team will collectively develop a comprehensive outline for the development of a maiden Africa Knowledge Report.

The overall objective of this programme is to enable agricultural research and innovation, including extension services, to contribute effectively to food and nutrition security, economic development, and climate mitigation in Africa.

The specific objective is to improve the individual and collective capacities of the critical supra-national agricultural research and innovation institutions in their support to countries to achieve the programme’s overall objective, through (i) strengthening the technical and organizational capacities of individual CAADP XP4 organizations in multi-stakeholder programme management, resource mobilization and fiduciary processes; (ii) establishing and strengthening multi-stakeholder partnerships (including with European institutions) for climate-relevant innovation; (iii) strengthening policies, investments, market linkages, and foresight capacities plus application; (iv) enhancing knowledge management and communication for advocacy, decision support and sharing innovation related to climate-relevant agricultural transformation; and (v) strengthening coordination (including planning, M&E and learning), reporting and governance.

Meanwhile, the Kick -Off Meeting has been scheduled for Friday April 5, 2024. Please register–EaNUgtFmmWnwClCZ to participate in the Kick-off meeting as well.

More information here.



From 5 April 2024 to 1 August 2024