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9 October 2024

LARRI webinar ⎮ Against coloniality in tropical conservation: an agenda for just transformations

This semester’s LARRI webinar will focus on the theme of decolonization and land rights research with Matthew Bukhi and Iddy Mwanyoka of Dodoma university.

 Abstract: There is a dearth of creative analyses to envisage the disruption of coloniality in tropical conservation science, policy and practice. We hereby conceptualize a transformative agenda to realize such a vision through three broad thematic areas. Firstly, we posit decolonial curricula with alternative conservation pedagogies to imagine a new generation of conservation professionals with unlimited curiosity and appreciation of diversity in knowledge systems. Secondly, we analyse radical alternatives to the resurging protectionism in the tropical environments, specifically critiquing the current global biodiversity target of ’30-by-30’ and highlighting conservation practices that support harmonious people-nature coexistence. Thirdly, we discuss alternative conservation funding mechanisms that are built on redistribution of financial resources and sources that are less susceptible to global economic forces. These thematic areas convey a transformative agenda that creates enabling conditions for decolonial conservation, as the agenda nurtures different ways of thinking about and engaging in tropical biodiversity conservation. 

Programme: 1. Presentation by Dr Mathew Bukhi Mabele and Iddi Mwanyoka, Department of Geography, University of Dodoma (50 mins). 2. Short break (10 mins). 3. Plenary discussion (50 mins). 



 The Land Rights Research Initiative is a platform for discussion and collaboration among researchers, students and others interested in land rights issues in the context of global change. LARRI is hosted by the Human Geography Unit at the University of Gothenburg. 

Contact: Margareta Espling; Robin Biddulph 



From 9 October 2024 at 13:00 to 9 October 2024 at 15:00