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27 August 2019

The Forest-Water Nexus: bringing people and landscapes together

This event is part of the World Water Week 2019

Photo: Andreas Gücklhorn/Unsplash

Managing the interactions between forests, water and landscapes is complex. This event will focus on participatory tools and approaches for monitoring and implementation of best practices. It will highlight governance arrangements for integrated forest-water management and how the nexus can contribute to a range of water and ecosystem related Sustainable Development Goals.

Urbanization, climate change, water scarcity, restoration commitments, international frameworks (e.g. SDGs, Bonn Challenge, UNFCCC) all have impacts on forest-water relationships and water-related ecosystem services. Forests can provide nature-based solutions to water management and issues related to water and food security, if properly managed; the converse can also be true. It is well-known that forest-water relationships are context specific. How do we guide people to understand these relationships and to take these into consideration in forest and landscape management? Are we ready to provide guidance on managing forests for water? If so, what does this look like and what information is needed to provide scientifically based guidance that can be applied by a broader audience? What are the challenges and opportunities that need to be addressed?

The event will highlight how practical tools and approaches for monitoring and best practices could improve the engagement of stakeholders in landscape planning, and play a positive role for integrated forest-water management. It will also address how they could facilitate evidence-based natural resources planning and inform policies to achieve better management of forest ecosystems, soil health and water resources, including water quality, groundwater recharge, and water availability and access.

Find more information about the event here.


From 27 August 2019 at 09:00 to 27 August 2019 at 10:30


Tele2 Arena, Room M5, Arenaslingan 14, Johanneshov



09:00 Introduction and welcome by moderator

09:05 The forest-water indicator framework
Elaine Springgay, FAO

09:15 The blue targeting tool – A participatory tool for forest-water monitoring in the field
Daniel Palm, Swedish Forest Agency

09:25 Adaptation of the blue targeting tool to tropical conditions: examples from the atlantic forest, Brazil
Aline Fransozi, University of Sao Paulo

09:35 Example of challenges and opportunities with water funds
Fredrick Kihara, TNC

09:45 Group discussions at three stand-up tables
•    Theme 1: Citizen science and participatory monitoring of the forest-water nexus
•    Theme 2: Integration of socio-economic and gender indicators in forest-water monitoring frameworks
•    Theme 3: Polycentric governance of the forest-water nexus

10:05 Groups reporting back to plenary

10:15 Conclusions
James Dalton, IUCN

10:25 Information about field visit

10:30 End of session

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