09:00 Introduction and welcome by moderator
09:05 The forest-water indicator framework
Elaine Springgay, FAO
09:15 The blue targeting tool – A participatory tool for forest-water monitoring in the field
Daniel Palm, Swedish Forest Agency
09:25 Adaptation of the blue targeting tool to tropical conditions: examples from the atlantic forest, Brazil
Aline Fransozi, University of Sao Paulo
09:35 Example of challenges and opportunities with water funds
Fredrick Kihara, TNC
09:45 Group discussions at three stand-up tables
• Theme 1: Citizen science and participatory monitoring of the forest-water nexus
• Theme 2: Integration of socio-economic and gender indicators in forest-water monitoring frameworks
• Theme 3: Polycentric governance of the forest-water nexus
10:05 Groups reporting back to plenary
10:15 Conclusions
James Dalton, IUCN
10:25 Information about field visit
10:30 End of session