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20 December 2018

Theme 2019 / Sustainable food

Photo: win win award

The food we eat is not only essential to our survival. It is also fundamental to both our culture and economy. However, alongside transportation and energy production, the impact of food produc-tion on our global environment is among the largest. Emissions of greenhouse gases and harmful substances to the ecosystem, the load on land and water resources, the limitation of biodiversity and poor working conditions are a few examples of how the vital supply of food affects the environ-ment we live in. Food habits in large parts of the developed world also cause direct health pro-blems for the population through over-consumption of sugar and fat, for example. As in many other areas, a realignment in the production and consumption of food is essential if we are to reverse this spiral that is negative for both the environment and our health. We must further develop new approaches to food and how we consume, produce and trade in foodstuffs to supply mankind with its most fundamental needs.


The theme of the 2019 award is Sustainable Food and the jury now seeks nominations for:

“Individuals, companies or organizations that, through research, initiative and practical work, have contributed to real change towards sustainable development in the area of food. This may involve innovations in food production, distribution and trade, as well as initiatives that affect our knowled-ge, attitudes and behavior in relation to food. Aspects such as equality, the next generation, health, working conditions, and local and global society will also be considered in the assessment.

Nomination is made at WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award’s website: until 2019.01.18


18 January 2019