Both the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations and the European Commission are promoting agroforestry as an important farming system for global food security as well as to adapt to a changing climate. Agroforestry can mitigate climate change by increasing the sequestration of carbon in soil and biomass. Current research shows that agroforestry systems are productive and at the same time generate more ecosystem services than conventional land use in both tropical and temperate areas.
This year’s conference focuses on the breadth of agroforestry, from farming on a larger scale to small schoolyards and farming in urban community gardens. The conference will highlight practical experiences of useful species, establishment, management and harvesting, new research, as well as markets for products, economy and policy instruments for the future development.
The conference is a forum for exchanges of experience between practitioners, researchers, advisors, decision makers and other actors in Sweden, but also between stakeholders working with agroforestry in different parts of the world. Many years of experience from development cooperation in the south will provide inspiration for today’s development in Sweden and pave the way to future collaborations.
A field trip will be arranged on November 15th to several research sites and to meet agroforestry practitioners (see Resources below).
Watch a video from the conference here.