Food Systems
"Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together" is this year's World Food Day topic and promises insights about how to ensure the COVID-19 recovery and access to safe, healthy and nutritious food for all.
What’s the issue? Across the OECD, rural regions make up approximately 80 percent of all the territory and are home to approximately 30 percent of the population. These lands, and the people...
Kan träd vara hjältar i klimatkrisen – ge negativa utsläpp, skydd, mat och vatten – eller är de sårbara och faller offer för torka och bränder? Lyssna på experter inom globala skog-...
(This event will be mainly held in Swedish, visit the website to find out about English speaking events!) Globala Torget är platsen som sätter fokus på globala utmaningar, internationell...
The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) and Oxfam Southern Africa (Oxfam SAF) are co-convening a Regional Webinar focusing on food security and market access...
Join the online presentation highlighting the results and lessons from the SLU - Vietnam collaborations and discuss the importance of international collaborations to tackle the current global...
Join the annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical agriculture, natural resource management and rural development!
AGRF Conference: Feed the Cities, Grow the Continent: Leveraging Urban Food Markets to Achieve Sustainable Food Systems in Africa
IFAD and SIANI invite you to an online discussion about sustainable and food secure recovery from COVID-19.