The FLARE (Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) network, supported by DFID and coordinated from the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of...
The importance of developing new forms of partnerships and collaborations, particularly between public and private actors is widely recognised. A case in point is the SDG 17 "Partnerships for the...
To feed a growing population, combat climate change, and preserve biodiversity, there is a need to develop sustainable agriculture systems. Agroforestry is a pathway towards this. But why is it...
The Tropentag is a development-oriented and interdisciplinary conference. It addresses issues of resource management, environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, nutrition and related...
Have you ever considered that you’re not the only one who decides what food ends up on your plate? On the occasion of World Food Day 2018, which will mark the 73rd anniversary of FAO's founding...
Far too little attention is given to the issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and the way it spreads in our natural environment and water. How does it happen? What role do pollution and water...
SIANI co-hosts session on water and multifunctional landscapes at the World Water Week 2018 with partners in the SIWI hosted cluster group on landscapes and water. The event will highlight...
Enligt en FN rapport lider var tredje person i världen av felnäring; samtidigt som 800 miljoner människor lider av hunger. Vi ser också att 1/3 av hushållens klimatpåverkan kommer från...
At the meeting, there will be a multidisciplinary group of senior scientists present that have vast experiences on the topic, giving feedback to students on manuscripts. The meeting is organised...