Registration to the conference is closed!Conference booklet with session schedules and all abstracts
This event is part of the World Water Week 2017. Uncontrolled production and excessive use of antibiotics have significantly promoted the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) which has evolved...
The water crisis has been described as largely a governance crisis, however the role of wastewater has been overlooked in this discussion. With growing interest in harnessing the potential of...
Forests have a pivotal role for sustainable water supply in many ways. In drier climates, wastewater treatment can benefit from forests and forest can benefit from the use of treated wastewater....
Climate-smart agriculture with its focus on sustainable resource management and rural development are frequently mentioned among the solutions for creating prosperous societies. However, how...
The aim of the 3 Aug 2017 workshop to be held at UP-Diliman in Manila, is to discuss how Philippine academics, farmer-scientists and others can contribute to the SDGs and AWPE. Speakers and...
En majoritet av jordens 700 miljoner extremt fattiga bor på landsbygden och är beroende av jordbruk för sin överlevnad. Agroforestry är ett bevisat effektivt sätt att bekämpa fattigdom,...
Vi vill belysa kvinnors viktiga – men sällan självklara – roll i utvecklingen mot ett hållbart brukande av skogslandskapet, och samtidigt lyfta skogens betydelse för...
70 % av jordens befolkning beräknas bo i städer år 2050. Agenda2030 har utvecklats som ett svar på de globala problem och orättvisor som påverkar jordens befolkning och miljön negativt.