This multidisciplinary course provides those working in the fields of environment and development studies with gender sensitive tools and skills necessary to understand issues of gender and...
Hur kan den svenska skogen hjälpa oss att skapa ett mer hållbart samhälle? I tävlingen Älska skog får elever upptäcka skogens resurser och skapa egna produkter för en bättre värld....
To continue to feed a growing world population, we need to increase global food production. This appears though at odds with a number of seemingly insurmountable environmental and socio-economic...
WLE, in partnership with the Stockholm Resilience Center and the Swedish International Agricultural Network Initiative (SIANI), will host a half day dialogue on how we can better make global...
SIANI kicks off its 3rd phase with the annual meeting on 19th of January 2017. We invite everyone interested in promoting knowledge sharing, dialogue, and collaboration to advance sustainable...
För lantbrukare i en del låginkomstländer är bönor och linser viktiga såväl ekonomiskt som näringsmässigt, eftersom de både säljs och konsumeras av lantbrukarna och deras familjer....
Food Systems
The change across world’s cities and rural areas is obvious, constant and rapid. Growing demand for food, driven by population growth and rising incomes, creates opportunities and challenges for...
Rapid globalization and a surging global demand for food, feed, bioenergy, renewable materials and agricultural land are radically changing the conditions of the bioeconomy. At the same time, the...
One year after the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement were adopted, actors in different sectors are processing how these new agendas affect their operations and...