SIANI - SLU Global joint workshopLink to Program with bios
This seminar seeks to call Swedish importers to take action to improve nutrition for producer families that rely on them for income and at the same time boost efficiency and sustainability along...
Landscape management workshop co-arranged by the SIANI-Focal theme held at Chalmers 15-16 March. Contact Eskil Mattsson eskil.mattsson@chalmers.se if you want to take part of the workshop outcomes.
Liz Alden Wily is an internationally renowned land tenure expert and independent researcher with wide-reaching experience from a number of countries throughout the developing world but with a...
Every year the SIANI secretariat organizes a meeting to provide an opportunity for members to interact with each other and to reflect on the work-plan for the Secretariat.
By 2030, we’ll need to feed an additional billion people from the existing resources we have available on the planet. This food needs to be produced sustainably, equitably and efficiently,...
Hotet mot jordens odlingsjordar är på väg att växa till ett hot också mot vår egen civilisation. På FN:s kartor över jordens jordbruksmark är nästan all mark markerad som mer eller...
The event will spotlight experiences of various actors operating along agricultural supply chains. Globalized supply chains have a lot of benefits, but they also harbour social injustice and...
People in countries suffering from poverty, unequal distribution of resources and conflicts are particularly vulnerable to low food security. Population growth, climate change, reduced freshwater...