It aims to better understand related government policies, programs and institutions while examining implications for universities and research institutions nation-wide.
Svinnet generas i i produktionen, under transporten, hos grossister, i butiker och hemma i hushållen. Beroende på produkt varierar svinnet mellan 10 och 50 procent i hela kedjan. Matsvinnet...
Goda nyheter: Afrikas jordar blir grönare, matproduktionen ökar och den negativa klimatpåverkan minskar. Den vanligaste bilden av Afrikas jordar är en accelererande ökenspridning som hotar...
I dagens globaliserade värld sker snabba förändringar; migration, urbanisering, tekniska innovationer och ökade utbildningsnivåer. Dessa förändringar skapar nya möjligheter för unga att...
Throughout history the rise and fall of human civilizations have been closely connected to the way we treat – or mistreat – the living soils of our planet. The way we manage our soils plays a...
The seminar will provide a platform for three Right Livelihood Award (RLA) Laureates: Frances Moore-Lappé (RLA 1987, USA), Hans Herren (RLA 2013, Switzerland), and Nnimmo Bassey (RLA 2010,...
SIANI Expert Group hosts an event to discuss:
Landscape approach has recently become a prominent analytical and practical tool for natural resource management. It is claimed that this approach can offer a framework for addressing competing...
Food Systems
Developing effective and sustainable ways forward is of high-priority, but there is no one size fits all solution. Agroecology advocates claim to offer a holistic approach which realizes key...