Providing sufficient food for a growing world population and achieving a more sustainable development is one of today’s global challenges. The increasing demand for new agricultural land and...
Food Systems
In May 2014 the first annual Stockholm Food Forum - EAT - will welcome participants from all over the world to help set goals and guidelines for the future. In an informal atmosphere, reflected by...
Poor countries and vulnerable people are being hit by a barrage of economic, environmental, and political shocks, and these shocks are becoming more frequent and intense. There is a general...
FAO estimates that the world needs to increase its food production by 70 percent by 2050 in order to serve a global population of nine billion. Animal feed production is increasingly competing for...
This Open seminar will facilitate an open discussion on the feasibility of the international Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) based on a case study research of land...
Investing in agriculture is the most effective way to reduce hunger and poverty in rural areas in many developing countries. It is important for food security, for employment and for economic...
The World Congress on Agroforestry will be held in Delhi, India, 10-14 February 2014, co-hosted by the World Agroforestry Centre, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and the Indian Society...
Join us in the discussion around the future development of our network!SIANI is entering a new work phase in 2014 and as a part of it, we are inviting all members, as well as those who are...
Friska människor är beroende av sunda livsmedelssystem För att få näringsriktig mat på bordet till de som idag är hungriga, måste vi titta på hur maten produceras, processas och...