The First International Conference on Global Food Security aims to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative research methods arising from interdisciplinary research....
For countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the development of a knowledge based bio-economy presents major opportunities but also serious challenges.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) were formulated as a tool for focusing development work during the first fifteen years of this millennium. Although not all of them will be achieved by...
Based on a successful study tour for World Water Week in 2012, SIANI has been invited to organize a tour for 2013. The study tour is the result of a collaboration established by the successful...
– konferens med Christian Felber, Lars Hulgård, Annika Laurén Vart är ekonomin på väg?Vad innebär hållbar ekonomi?Hur skapar vi en trygg ekonomi?Christian Felber, Lars Hulgård och Annika...
Vatten är en global bristvara och måste hanteras med största möjliga omsorg. Annars klarar inte vår jord de utmaningar som befolkningsökning och klimatförändringar innebär. Fortfarande...
Global farmers face an enormous challenge to satisfy a rapidly growing demand for food, feed, fibres and fuels. At the same time the environmental sustainability of production methods is being...
In 2013, the international community will review progress on the Millennium Development Goals, two years before the target date for their achievement. Policy discussions will also begin on the...
The rapidly increasing interest for commercial investments in land for large-scale agricultural production of biofuels, food, feed etc., particularly noticeable in Africa and other developing...