Det går inte en dag utan att media, forskare och debattörer diskuterar sakfrågor inom ramen för hållbar utveckling, mänskliga rättigheter och företagens sociala ansvar s.k. CSR. Sällan...
Det är självklart att hållbart jordbruk är en grundpelare i arbetet med att uppfylla millenniemålet ”End Poverty and Hunger”.
An Open Course Exploring:Drivers of Land-use Change and Climate Change Relations, Landscapes of Land-use Change, Climate Change Adaptations and Land-use, Food Security,Gender & Land-Use, Payment...
Innovations & Incentives is the theme of this years’ conference. In a time with large infrastructural and policy changes in agriculture, rapid technological development as well as growing and...
Come and join us in listening to and discussing with great thinkers and scholars on issues affecting our common development.Confirmed and invited speakers include:
Cash transfers help to tackle poverty and vulnerability. During the last decade, middle income countries such as Brazil, Mexico and the Republic of South Africa have rapidly expanded their cash...
This study tour will focus on the linkage between agriculture and the sanitation systems in Sweden, demonstrated by a new project that has been developed in close cooperation between the...
WASH investments substantially contribute to food and nutrition security: Making more out of available food through improved health and increasing harvests through productive sanitation.
This seminar aims to highlight innovative methodologies in small-scale farming in Sub-Saharan Africa which have demonstrably resulted in transformations in gender relations.The gender...