The nutrients in sanitation flow streams represent an increasing value from monetary, energy and resource perspectives. The market potential for making use of these resources in different ways...
SIANI och Swedish Water House på AlmedalsveckanAntalet och omfattningen av katastrofer förväntas öka till följd av klimatförändring, urbanisering, miljöförstörelse och globalisering....
It is time to rethink how we produce the food, fibre and bioenergy that will sustain our societies and provide livelihoods, whilst also protecting the environment. A profound change in how we...
This 9th learning event at the ARDD showcased the value wise crop choices for more nutritious food as well as the value of nutrient cycling in crop production. Using case studies from Niger and...
You are kindly invited to a Platform Dialogue with the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development in Stockholm on June 7.
SIANI, and Sida invite you to a seminar assessing the potential of mobile phones to support development within the agricultural sector. The event will bring together African and Swedish...
The goal of the day is to use a number of presentations in the morning on related topics to develop a common base in the formation of guidelines for an informed update on crucial topics for...
Land and water acquisitions in Africa are highly topical in the development discussions today. The processes of land acquisition and the size of agricultural transferred so far have taken many by...
Talare: Marja-Liisa Tapio-Biström, FAO; David Andersson, ECOCERA/Chalmers; Thomas Kätterer, SLU; Bo Lager, Vi-skogen; Stéphane de Clara, INRA; Madeleine Jönsson, FAO.