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Expert groups

The SIANI expert groups are multisector teams running projects to help make food systems more sustainable, rights-based and inclusive. Focused on low- and middle-income contexts, the expert groups contribute to a holistic understanding of emerging issues and foster action and collaboration, regionally and between SIANI members in different parts of the world.

Bee keepers

Pollination in Asia

This expert group explores how a greater focus on pollination services, biodiversity and bees can contribute to food security and livelihoods. The aim is to set up Living Labs in India, Laos, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Consisting of experts from the four countries and supported by SLU, the group works with local communities.

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Guandaje Ecuador

Land rights in Latin America

Conflicts about land and livelihoods are on the rise across Latin America. This expert group seeks to develop a regional response and serves as a platform for actors from 10 countries, supported by SIPRI and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The group can help decision-makers find better solutions to strengthen rural land rights and food security in a changing climate.

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Farmer with chickens Burkina Faso

One Health in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso has pioneered innovative solutions that improve both rural sanitation and agricultural yields. A new SIANI expert group will analyze which lessons can be learned from earlier projects where nutrients and organic matter from human and animal waste have been recycled.

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Farmer South Africa

Agrobiologicals in East Africa

Biobased fertilizers and methods to control crop pests should be produced in East Africa and made more widely available to farmers. To make that happen, a new SIANI expert group tries to bring together different stakeholders from the local agrobiologicals sector.

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Savanna East Africa

Dryland agroforestry in East Africa

This expert group aims to showcase how agroforestry can transform food systems and enhance biodiversity in dryland areas. Implementing agroforestry in dryland areas is relatively new and can improve food security for both farmers and agropastoralists in East Africa, reducing the risks of tensions between the two groups.

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Black soldier fly on rose

Insect-based proteins

This expert groups focuses on a new form of insect-based proteins from farmed black soldier flies, which are used to recycle nutrients and produce a sustainable and secure protein fodder for pigs and poultry. The novel approach can improve the livelihoods for small-holder farmers in Madagascar where the expert group is based.

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Reviving roots Kyrgyzstan

Reviving the roots

Land degradation and food insecurity are serious problems in Kyrgyzstan, not least for smallholders. Yet the country has a rich heritage of traditional practices for sustainable land management and a holistic, ecocentric approach to soil. The expert group Reviving the Roots seeks to increase interest in an ecosystem-based approach to Kyrgyz agriculture, including through art and culture.

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White seabass at Ensenada fish market, Mexico

Small-scale fisheries in Latin America

The aim of this expert group is to raise awareness of how small-scale fisheries contribute to food security and livelihoods in five Latin American countries. The expert group seeks to amplify the voices of fishing communities so that their rights are respected, and their insights and concerns influence societal debates and political decisions.

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Lemon in hands.

Tropical fruits liaison

Small-holder farmers could increase their yields and income if they had better access to safe and effective pest control. The expert group explores how this can be achieved, bringing together tropical fruit growers, specialists in crop control and regulatory experts. The focus is on identifying challenges and solutions for tropical fruits production, including how to limit post-harvest losses.

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Southeast Asian spices

Wild foods in Asia

This expert group highlights the importance of wild forest foods and traditional food crops for food security. Many rural and indigenous communities in Asia have through generations developed an extensive knowledge about such food systems, but that expertise is now in decline. The group brings together local communities and experts to document some relevant food species and explore ways of sharing such knowledge.

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SIANI expert groups

What is the role of SIANI’s expert groups and how are they selected? Here are some frequently asked questions.

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Beekeping Nepal