Alnarp's Agroecology Farm is the first case study for the "Amplifying Stories of Agroecology Principles and Practices" (ASAPP) project, spotlighting practical applications of the 13...
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On World Food Day 2024, we are reminded that access to food is a fundamental human right. SIANI supports events highlighting nutritious school meals, innovative food solutions, and agroecological principles in farming.
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The workshop at the Summit discussed emerging health risks in the food chain, emphasizing effective communication and highlighting the complexities of food safety and sustainability, with pesticides as an example. Key messages and recommendations can be found in a policy brief.
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The article summarises the main findings of the HLPE-FSN report on financing constraints for food security and nutrition, providing innovative financing tools to accelerate progress on SDG Targets 2.1 and 2.2, along with implementation guidance.
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How we manage excreta from animals and humans is not just a health issue but a matter of great importance for farming, according to a new policy brief.
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The COFO 27 meeting in Rome is an opportunity to recognise the benefits of forests for agriculture and to improve the relationship between forestry and agriculture for sustainability.
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Alnarp’s farm is not only a place where agroecological practices are used, but it also provides a space for connecting with the surrounding community.
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Interview with Sangeeta Kharat at Future Earth Asia Network on how knowledge can enhance agricultural connectivity in Southeast Asia.
The policy brief proposes pathways to help WASH policymakers, practitioners, and researchers address risks and opportunities at the animal-human-water interface.