Mairon Bastos Lima, Postdoctoral Researcher with TRASE and Chalmers University of Technology and member of Focali
Anders Malmer, International Coordinator Swedish Forest Agency and Professor in Tropical Forestry SLU
Presentation by Emilie Molin, Desk officer, Division for forest and climate, Ministry of Enterprise and innovation of Sweden.
Presentation by Martin Persson, Associate Professor Chalmers University of Technology and member of Focali.
This policy brief discusses socio-economic transformations in the drylands of West Pokot, Kenya. It focuses on how land tenure is affecting marginalized groups in society and how climate change is...
En vattenflaska i trä, en pop up-restaurang, en möbelkollektion uppnämnd efter rödlistade arter och utdelning av bindor under Vasaloppet – detta är resultaten från Kungl. Skogs- och...
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The slippery question of whether to ban the controversial commodity, or work with the producers.
Ingrid Öborn, Department of Crop Production Ecology and Agricultural cropping systems at SLU, presents at the SIANI Annual Meeting 2019
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The Group has brought together experts from ASEAN to provide critical input to key regional guiding documents for agroforestry and climate change mitigation.