Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
Presented as part of the Seminar on Securing Forest and Community Land Rights - Challenges, Trends and Ways Forward. The seminar focused on forests and other off-farm areas that constitute vital...
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I den sista rapporten av fyra presenterar Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen behovet av en grundläggande omställning av dagens jordbrukssystem till agroekologiska produktionsmetoder, och lyfter samtidigt fram positiva exempel på hur lantbruket kan utformas till att bidra till en hållbar utveckling och minskad fattigdom, hunger och miljömässig påfrestning.
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In the tropics, there are vast areas of degraded land, which can be restored back into higher and sustainable production with tree planting. In this way previously degraded lands could play a key role for improved food security and at the same time offer various other benefits.
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The Expert Group kick-started with the inception meeting on the 12th of June 2014 and set the timeline for the future activities. The ways to increase public awareness about land restoration were the main focus of this meeting.