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11 June 2024

Putting animals on the WASH agenda

This Policy Brief outlines ways to address risks and opportunities at the animal-human-water interface.

Animal species play a crucial role in the systems that provide our drinking water and support our health. However, interventions to promote water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) often overlook the needs and impacts of animals on these systems. Hence, this policy brief proposes pathways to help WASH policymakers, practitioners, and researchers address risks and opportunities at the animal-human-water interface.

1. Taking a comprehensive approach that considers the relationship between animals, humans, and water in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) initiatives can lead to more sustainable outcomes.

2. Focusing on the interactions between animals, humans, and water in WASH can create positive synergies with other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

3. Addressing the complex, multi-species nature of WASH challenges requires integrated approaches across different sectors and disciplines.

It’s important to ensure that One Health policies, strategies, and plans incorporate WASH. Securing a safe food supply will also require increased collaboration and a preventive One Health model for a more comprehensive and timely strategy.


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