This policy report examines the notion of safeguards in biodiversity financing mechanisms (BFMs) under the Convention on Biological Diversity, in order to inform discussions in CBD-COP12. It...
The Church of Sweden is a well-known and experienced Swedish actor in the area of development cooperation. The organization’s position paper on agricultural development for poverty reduction and...
A workshop was conducted in a region of Uganda to explore productivity differences between and within households in order to identify their causes and their effects on food security and the...
This document is the background document to the 2014-2015 expert group "Moving Africa Towards a Knowledge Based Bio-economy; How can Sweden assist?"
Promoting secure tenure rights and equitable access to natural resources
Millenniemålen ska vara uppnådda nästa år. Trots viktiga framsteg på många områden kvarstår stora utmaningar. Vid Rio+20-konferensen beslutades därför att nya mål ska formuleras och ta...
Next year is the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Despite great progress in some areas, major challenges remain.At the Rio+20 conference, world leaders agreed to draft a...
The anthology on Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture for Food Security in Low-income Countries was launched on June 18. Drivers, pros and cons, and knowledge gaps have been compiled.