This policy brief outlines how to use agroforestry to advance on biodiversity and food security goals.
What are the opportunities and challenges for agroforestry practices? How can these be implemented in the ASEAN? Find out in this training manual.
How can we ensure an effective inclusion of rural youth? Read this brief report summarizing the roundtable discussions at SIANI Annual Meeting 2020.
Agroecology can help us reboot our food system. Tailoring education to this mode of food production will play a key role in this transformation.
People migrate for many different reasons – by necessity, by choice or non-voluntary. In 2017, 258 million people globally migrated for different reasons, such as seeking job or education...
Here you find all the application information you need for the 2019-2020 Expert group call, including the aim of the groups, reporting format, proposed topics and more.
This policy brief discusses socio-economic transformations in the drylands of West Pokot, Kenya. It focuses on how land tenure is affecting marginalized groups in society and how climate change is...
This policy brief provides findings and recommendations from the Triple-L research initiative how to build resilience among pastoralists in West Pokot, Kenya.
En vattenflaska i trä, en pop up-restaurang, en möbelkollektion uppnämnd efter rödlistade arter och utdelning av bindor under Vasaloppet – detta är resultaten från Kungl. Skogs- och...