The resilience of food systems and communities depends on the climate regulatory functions and water-related benefits provided by forests. So, how can we elevate these vital yet often...
Climate change and conflict
By participating at the 26th IUFRO World Congress, SIANI aims to stay at the forefront of the food, forests, energy and water nexus – acting as a convener between actors from different sectors.
Food systems
Landscape and natural resources management
The Congress Scientific Committee invites submission of session proposals for the 2024 IUFRO World Congress. In line with the spirit of the Congress title – Forests and Society Towards 2050
Landscape and natural resources management
Presentation of several online platforms that visualise and connect FLR projects with possible investors.
Climate change and conflict
Landscape and natural resources management
Read these stories and reflections about wild foods, biodiversity and livelihoods from indigenous people, local communities, support groups and other organizations working with sustainability from South and Southeast Asia.
Community perspectives
Health and nutrition
Wild Foods, Biodiversity and Livelihoods
This animated video explains what wild foods are and their importance for our health, nature, culture and food security.
Health and nutrition
Wild Foods, Biodiversity and Livelihoods
Join this seminar to learn more about the outcomes and experiences from forest tenure reforms in the Amazon, transferring land rights to local communities and indigenous people.
Landscape and natural resources management
Films from the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden got both gold and silver in environmental documentary at the international film festival World Media Festival in Hamburg on the 15th of March.
Landscape and natural resources management
Together, forests and farmland cover two thirds of our planet’s surface, providing food and livelihoods for many people around the world. At the same time, conventional agriculture consumes 75%...
Climate change and conflict
Landscape and natural resources management