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4 September 2015

Get to know Peepoo – the self-sanitising, biodegradable, household toilet – At World Water Week 2015

Peepoo is a single-use, fully biodegradable, household toilet that sanitises excreta after use. It does not require fixed infrastructure or water. It turns human waste into an organic fertiliser high in NPK and which improves soil properties as water holding capacity. The inventor, Professor Anders Wilhelmson was honoured as Ashoka Fellow for developing a system changing solution that can be scalable all over the world. Today Peepoo is used in both urban slums and emergencies around the world.

During the visit particpants got the chance to hear about the journey from innovation to mass production. They were able to see and hear more about our large-scale production and Peepoo sanitation solution was presented from a case study perspective. Dr. Annika Nordin, researcher at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences presented the ammonia sanitisation treatment technology which is used in the Peepoo.


Från 4 september 2015 vid 12:00 till 4 september 2015 vid 16:00



14:00  Bus leaves at Folkets Hus, main entrance, to the PeePoople factory and office

  1. From innovation to mass production
    Anders Wilhelmson, inventor of Peepoo and Maria Berndtsson, Product Manager Peepoople
  2. Peepoo sanitation technology
    Annika Nordin, Researcher SLU/ Sanitation Specialist Peepoople
  3. Machine demonstration
    Felix Hägglund Wennergren, Production and Procurement Coordinator Peepoople
  4. Case study Peepoo sanitation system
    Martina Nee, Partnership Director Peepoople and Jean Lapegue, Senior Wash Advisor Action Contre le Faim

17:30 – 18:00 Bus back to World Water Week venue

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