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17 March 2015

Landscape Approaches in Practice

Photo: Alexander Buck

Photo: Alexander Buck

Land­scape approach has recently become a prominent analytical and practical tool for natural resource management. It is claimed that this approach can offer a framework for addressing competing social and economic demands for food, fiber, fuel and water without compromising environmental concerns. However, it is still debated what is a “landscape” as a unit for analysis, management and governance.

Rapid land use change is the main driver of shifts happening in rural areas. Evoking transformational change without jeopardizing natural resilience is, perhaps, the greatest puzzle of the current and the future rural development. Landscape approach requires integrated interdisciplinary decision-making, and practitioners note that governance related issues as well as lack of institutional capacity are the most challenging for its implementation.

Decision-making seldom happens on a land­scape level. Additionally, it is often hard to outline and match natural landscapes with institutions and socio-political settings. Numerous attempts to secure consensus around, for instance, major tropical land conversion projects revealed that reaching a broad agreement among many actors is very challenging.

What are pros and cons of the landscape approach in practice? How can it help to meet the future competing demands for food, fiber, fuel and water in low-income countries? How landscape approach differs from the more traditional sectorial and project-based approaches? How to outline and match natural landscapes with institutions? These are some of the questions on the agenda.


Från 17 mars 2015 vid 12:00 till 17 mars 2015 vid 16:00


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Aulan (P-O Bäckströms sal)


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Comments from the ecosystem services point of view

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13.00 Welcome and day overview

13.05 Introduction to landscape approaches and future food demand, Dr. Björn Lundgren, Board Member, SIFI 

13.15 Landscape approaches to reconcile competing land uses, Dr. Liz Deakin, Post Doctoral Fellow, CIFOR

14.00 Landscape approaches versus sectorial approaches, Mia Crawford, Deputy Director, Ministry of Enterprice and innovation

14.20 Experiences from WWF, Peter Westman, Conservation Director , WWF

14.40 Coffee break

15.00 Comments from the ecosystem services points of view, Prof. Anders Malmer, Director SLU Global, SLU

15.20 Comments from the social point of view, Asst. Prof. Camilla Sandström, Head of research Future Forest, Umeå University

15.40 Comments from the economical point of view, Prof. Sten Nilsson, Board Member, SIFI

16.00 Panel discussion and questions from the audience, Ola Möller, Senior Policy Specialist, Sida and Ambassador Lennart Båge, Board Member, SIFI

16.45 Final remarks and announcements regarding the policy brief, Jan Heino, Senior Specialist and Board Member, SIFI

17.00 End of seminar­­ and way forward, Madeleine Fogde, Program Director, SIANI

Moderator: Fredrik Ingemarson, SIFI

The outcomes of the discussion will be gathered in a policy brief which will list major obstacles and provide solutions to landscape approach implementation, particularly in low-income countries.

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