On 20 February, the World Day of Social Justice, the organisation Too Big To Ignore will organise a webinar about the importance of small-scaling fishing for food security. Join online to learn about a new FAO book: ‘Governing for Transformation towards Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries’.
The webinar Sustainable small-scale fisheries: Why it is not possible without social justice, is a conversation between Dr Fikret Berkes and Nicole Franz, editors of the new FAO book ‘Governing for Transformation towards Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries’. The session is moderated by Ratana Chuenpagdee, Global Director of Too Big Too Ignore, TBTI, the organisation coordinating SIANI’s new expert group Small-scale Fisheries in Latin America.
The book provides a human-centred perspective, building on the expanding horizon from biological and economic management to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary aquatic resources governance. It was prepared in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication.
Join the event via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83091229726
Or watch it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TooBigToIgnore
The session on small-scale fisheries starts at 9am EST/ 3pm CET. In recognition of World Day of Social Justice, it is followed by the session Blue Justice Alert Oil spill and swell in Lobitos, Peru at 10am EST/4pm CET. Learn more here.