This webinar hosts a panel discussion taking its point of departure in the understanding that the issues that have most preoccupied the LARRI research network in recent years seem to have fallen down the research agenda. This includes large-scale land acquisitions and their implications for local land rights as well as debates between individualized land titling programmes and the alternatives presented by e.g., community titling. Meanwhile,
other topics have become more prominent on the research agenda, such as the consequences for land rights of programmes aimed at either climate change mitigation or environmental conservation.
To discuss this apparent change in research focus, we will be joined by three prominent scholars in the field: Caroline Delgado from SIPRI, focused on South America, Colombia in particular; Richard de Satgé from the South African land sector NGO Phuhlisani NPC with a focus on Southern Africa; and Christian Lund from the University of Copenhagen, with a focus on Southeast Asia, primarily Laos and Indonesia.
Facilitator: Lasse Krantz
Follow the webinar here.