Both mining and agriculture are vital for the economic growth of the country. However, in situations, when rich ore reserves are situated underneath fertile soils, decision makers have to choose between a fast economy boost vs. long-term development.
The World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June. It was introduced in 1972 when the United Nations conference on the Human Environment Began. Since then every year people organize and participate in different events and activities to raise awareness and understanding of how important the environment is.
A seminar co-organised between Focali, School of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg and Centre for Environment and Sustainability (GMV) was held last week in Gothenburg where presentations were made on current multi-disciplinary research in Burkina Faso on the topics of forests, climate and livelihoods.
Integrering av forskningsdata och forskningsmetoder från de olika vetenskapsfälten soil science och nationalekonomi kan bättre förklara tropisk jordbruksproduktion än traditionell forskning inom dessa discipliner, där viktiga variabler utanför det egna ämnesområdet ofta väljs bort.
Exploring the possibility of measuring the Adaptive Capacity of cooperatives and their farmers to the Impacts of Climate Change in Eastern Africa
You can find the official reporting from the event here
Rodent damage to pre-harvest yields
Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life - 1996 World Food Summit
Fyra akademiexkursioner anordnas av KSLA den 12 juni 2013 som en del av 200-årsfirandet 1813–2013– endast för KSLAs ledamöter