On Tuesday May 15, 25 representatives from 15 youth organizations in Sweden, Finland and Denmark gathered at the first Network Summit to strengthen partnership and collaboration, and to empower...
Your data, your choice The new General Data protection regulation (GDPR) puts you in charge of your personal data. For you as members of SIANI this means: You’ll find all your personal...
In a world steered by the market small-scale farmers have little chance to succeed without running their farms as a business. Many farmers have excellent produce. However, that is not enough.
Large-scale agroforestry project in Laos combines private and public interests, integrating food security and commercial wood production.
SIANI is now an official member of the SDSN Youth network. The network aims to bring together young people worldwide with innovative ideas and expertise related to sustainable development solutions. SDSN Youth works specifically towards achieving the goals set out in Agenda 2030.
Biodiversity loss narrows down the possibilities we have to discover innovative solutions to a sustainable food system. It reduces our chances to succeed.
There have been very few opportunities for companies and civil society to come together on neutral grounds. New initiative offers a promising approach to develop the interface for this interaction.
It is almost impossible to buy traditional locally produced foods in Swedish grocery stores. This way Sweden risks to lose a significant part of its cultural heritage, according to Kålrotsakademien.
Achieving improved animal health requires knowledge about the distribution of infectious animal diseases. Control of animal food products and antibiotic use and resistance are other key factors to...