Yusra Moshtat is from Baghdad, Iraq. She fled the Gulf War in the 1990s and came to Sweden. This blog tells her astonishing story and how she ended up working with new immigrants, helping them to integrate through exploring Swedish nature.
How do we keep food on the plates of UK households in the coming decades? This is a central question for IKnowFood, a major collaborative research project launched in June, 2017.
Sweden is stepping up the efforts to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing. The government is preparing a support of SEK 50 million to the Food and Agriculture Organizationof the United Nations, FAO, for the implementation of the Port State Agreement.
SIANI Youth was very active in the month of May starting off with a workshop on Youth, Agripreneurship and the Sustainable Development Goals, co-organised with SLU Global. In the morning inspirational speakers talked about business opportunities and how to overcome challenges for entrepreneurs in agirculture.
SIANI är återigen i Visby i juli för att delta i samhällsdebatterna och nätverka för förbättrad livsmedelssäkerhet och hållbart jordbruk! Vi organiserar i år tre olika seminarier alla på Sidas scen Sverige i världen, varmt välkomna att delta och bidra!Tisdag 4 juli 16.00-16.45: Ung kraft för Agenda 2030Plats: Sverige i världen (Sida), Donnersgatan 6
SIANI is collaborating with the Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) as a local partner – together with Sida, Stockholm Environment Institute, International Foundtion for Science and media partner Devex – on the October 2017 conference
The 3rd annual meeting of the Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement, FLARE network will take place in Stockholm in the end of September 2017. The meeting will provide a unique space for discussions about forests and livelihoods and will foster collaboration, favouring younger researchers.
By merging with UTZ, the new and stronger Rainforest Alliance aim to work with farmers and communities to protect the natural environment and help mitigate the effects of climate change on a global scale.
Maize yields in sub-Saharan Africa have been at the lower end of the global range for decades. A new thesis by Emilio Magaia, PhD candidate at the Department of Soil and Environment at SLU presents a way to improve water use efficiency in semi-arid regions through better soil and water management.