Is your pension fund invested in deforestation?
IEA Bioenergy Task 43's call for contributions: Attractive Systems for Bioenergy Feedstock Production in Sustainably Managed Landscapes.
År 2016 var det internationella året för baljväxter. Syftet var att öka allmänhetens medvetenhet om fördelarna med baljväxter för en hållbar livsmedelsproduktion och tryggad livsmedelssäkerhet.
How do we reconcile our nutritional needs and our taste for animal-based foods with environmental sustainability?
Hand on your heart: Is animal health one of your main considerations when you think about international development cooperation or food security?
I was intrigued to be presented this reflection of how research methods are shaped by personal agendas and preconceived ideas. It can play a central part in directing the evidence.
Anyone who has walked outside on a sunny day knows that forests and trees matter for temperature, humidity and wind speed. Planting trees speaks to concerns about climate change -- but the directly important aspects of the tree-climate relationships have so far been overlooked in climate policy where it relates to forest. That, at least, is the conclusion of a new review.
Worldwide, massive amounts of food are wasted and in this policy brief, the SIANI Expert Group “Food Waste Prevention Strategies for Global Food Chains” identifies what can be done to decrease and avoid food waste.
After a long wait, the Swedish Government, the Left Party and the Alliance parties have agreed on long-term objectives in the field of food. The Government has recently presented its long-awaited food strategy.