In the Ecuadorian Amazon, the Kichwa people wake up before dawn with their families to drink a caffeinated infusion of boiled leaves from the guayusa tree (Ilex guayusa). They discuss the lessons from their dreams and use them to plan for the day ahead.
Access to land is one of the first things that come up in the talk about the future of agricultural development.
Based on the article The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics published in the Annual Review of Phytopathology, vol.52, by SIANI Member Roger Leakey.
Many countries are highly dependent on food imports. It is important to recognize this as a form of climate vulnerability, as climate change impacts in producing countries are likely to exacerbate global food price shocks.
SLU har kommit med ett inspel till Regeringens arbete med att ta fram en svensk livsmedelsstrategi. I rapporten, som tagits fram av forskningsplattformen Framtidens lantbruk, diskuteras även Sveriges ansvar för den globala livsmedelsförsörjningen i framtiden.Exempel på ämnen som lyfts upp i rapporten
På Världsmark-dagen den 5 december 2014 presenterades den nya Montpellier rapporten "Inget enkelt problem: naturvård, restaurering och förbättring av Afrikas jordar" som understryker markens betydelse för ett uthålligt jordbruk: "En bra och frisk jordbruksmark är en förutsättning för att utveckla jordbruket och producera tillräckligt med mat för jordens befolkning.
SIANI and EcoAdapt hosted a lively discussion at the Global Landscapes Forum 2014 on ways to improve land use governance in frontier landscapes, including ways to engage diverse actors, resolve conflicts, and address everyone’s needs and concerns.
Melinda Fones Sundell, SIANI's Senior Advisor reflects on "Food Security: Mapping Risks, Building Resilience" conference held in London on the 1-2 December 2014.
Powering Agriculture - An Energy Grand Challenge for Development, PAEGC, has launched its second Global Innovation Call. The Call opens at the 8th of December 2014, and the deadline for concept notes is 12th of February 2015.