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11 March 2025

Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale

Photo by Bonnie McClafferty/IFPRI via flickr. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Agrifood systems must evolve to become more sustainable, productive, and climate-resilient to address global challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This transformation requires bold contributions from research and innovation (R&I).

Organized by DG INTPA in collaboration with other EU Directorates, this event will explore how EU R&I cooperation can support sustainable agrifood systems transformation.

Agrifood systems need to become more sustainable, healthy, productive, inclusive, climate resilient to be able to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. This requires profound changes through the contribution of research and innovation (R&I). The EU Research and Innovation cooperation agenda is implemented within the framework of various dialogue fora with partner countries. It is also part of the Global Gateway including a pillar on “education and research”. It mobilizes different EU instruments and programs such as the DeSIRA initiative or the Horizon Europe programme.

This conference is organized by DG INTPA in collaboration with other EU Directorate Generals. It specifically addresses the question of how cooperation in R&I can contribute to desirable agrifood systems transformation, discussing principles, partnerships, methods for innovation at scale, capacities, funding, and policies. The conference is built on the collective achievements and consolidated lessons of the DeSIRA initiative and takes stock of other R&I programmes implemented or supported by EU.

Conference objectives

  • Share results and lessons on the contribution of R&I projects to agrifood systems transformation through the experiences of EU interventions and similar other international interventions.
  • Identify key enablers and hurdles to achieve impact at scale through innovation for productive, inclusive, and sustainable agrifood systems transformation.
  • Explore future contributions of R&I for agrifood systems transformation, innovation system and innovation policies in support of development agendas (SDGs, post-Malabo agenda, Science Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa, etc.).
  • Inform policymakers and provide recommendations on improved complementarity and synergy of EU mechanisms to support R&I at scale in partner countries, including inputs to the EU-Africa R&I Partnership on FNSSA.

The program includes the following sessions:

  • Day 1 (March 11) will feature the different EU R&I programmes and focus on results and lessons from EU interventions and other international interventions aiming at supporting innovation.
  • Day 2 (March 12) morning will broaden the reflection and discussion by focusing on how to support innovation at scale by making use of R&I outcomes (policies for enabling environment, market and public/private funding, capacities including education)
  • Day 2 (March 12) afternoon will be dedicated to the high-level discussions on ongoing and future EU policies for R&I cooperation with partner countries
  • Day 3 (March 13) will be dedicated to special sessions proposed by organisations participating in the conference, including the launch of the International Research Consortium SCAR-ARCH meeting, AU/EU Working Group on the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, DeSIRA+.

Register your interest now to receive updates on the conference.


Från 11 mars 2025 till 13 mars 2025


COMET venue in Brussels (with an online participation option)

Hosted by