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4 December 2018

Development Talks – The role of young peacebuilders

Photo: patrick-fore

In December 2015, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS). The first resolution dedicated to making the voice of youth heard in peacebuilding. Focusing on the important and positive role they can play, rather than being seen as perpetrators or victims of conflict.

To set a clear strategy for how to really include youth in peacebuilding, an independent progress study was carried out this spring. The study resulted in another resolution SCR2419 with Sweden as one of the pen-holders.

So how is the world taking SCR 2250 and SCR 2419 forward and applying it in practice?

The recommendations from the progress study highlight the need to establish stronger partnerships with youth organizations and provide flexible funding to strengthen their work. It also suggests meaningful participation of youth in decision-making.

This Development Talks will provide insights into how different actors, including Sweden, can take the recommendations further. Among the speakers is the main author of the progress study, as well as the YPS Secretariat in New York and youth representatives.

How can development cooperation build new inter-generational partnerships to ensure an increased youth participation in peacebuilding? And how do donors and NGOs better reach and engage young agents of peace who are not already part of the established youth organizations?

Schedule for the event!


8:30 Registration and coffee

9:00 Welcome and introductory remarks

9:10 Youth, Peace and Security, from Resolution to Progress Study
Cécile Mazzacurati, Youth, Peace and Security Secretariat, UN

9:30 Key findings and recommendations from the Progress Study
Graeme Simpson, Main author YPS Progress Study, The Missing Peace

9:50 Experiences from the youth-led initiatives
Gizem Kilinç, United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY)

10:15 Taking the recommendations further through development cooperation
Catarina Fabiansson, Senior Advisor, Human Security, Sida


10:45 Panel discussion, supporting youth-led initiatives
Mainstreaming the youth perspective. Connecting YPS to Sustaining Peace.
Gizem Kilinç, UNOY
Henrietta Flodell, UN Youth Delegate of Sweden
Graeme Simpson, Interpeace
Cécile Mazzacurati, YPS Secretariat, UN

11:50 Wrap up

12:00 End

The event is free of charge. Register here by Thursday 29 November.

For those of you who can’t make it this time, or want to watch the seminar afterward, it will be streamed and available here!



Från 4 december 2018 vid 09:00 till 4 december 2018 vid 12:00


Sida, Valhallavägen 199, Stockholm (Oasen)

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