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6 November 2019

Fish Stocks and Aid Flows: Poverty Reduction in Times of Resource Depletion

Aid to fisheries has been part of Swedish and international development cooperation for long. However, knowledge about effects is limited. A new EBA report: ‘Fishing Aid: Mapping and Synthesising Evidence in Support of SDG 14 Fisheries Targets’, summarises what we know.

Photo by Alin Kadfak

Photo by Alin Kadfak

During the 1990s, fisheries aid shifted character, when support to improved management and organization increasingly came to replace support to increased production. The old Chinese proverb of teaching a man how to fish for him to have food for life, is no longer sufficient. To counter overfishing, as well as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, has nowadays turned as important.

Is there currently a trade-off between helping small-scale communities to increase their fish catches on the one hand and protecting fish stocks on the other? How can development cooperation best be used to tackle such dilemmas?


14.00 Introduction, Torgny Holmgren;

14:05 Fishing Aid – presentation of study, Goncalo Carneiro, Rahpahaëlle Bisaux

14:30 Overfishing and Maritime Piracy: A Spatial Assessment, Raj M. Desai

14:45 Panel discussion, Maria Bang, David Lymer, Kristofer Du Rietz, Goncalo Carneiro

15:30 Q&A

16:00 End of seminar, Torgny Holmgren

Coffee, tea and mingle


Goncalo Carneiro, Senior Analyst, Swedish Agency for Water and Marine Resources

Raphaëlle Bisaux, Senior Consultant, NIRAS

Raj M. Desai, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Maria Bang, Global Program Coordinator, Swedish Agency for Nature Conservation

David Lymer, Environment Assessment Specialist, Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences

Kristofer du Rietz, Policy Coordinator, EU Commission

Torgny Holmgren, member EBA, CEO Stockholm International Water Institute

Register here!


Från 6 november 2019 vid 14:00 till 6 november 2019 vid 16:00


Klara södra kyrkogata 1

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